
Stay informed with CTI’s comprehensive collection of electrical resources.

Side view of wire tubing on roof inside Commercial warehouse

Stay Current on Electrical Trends With CTI’s Resource Hub

At CTI, we’re committed to empowering our clients with the latest news, trends, and insights to help them make informed decisions about their electrical needs. That’s why we’ve curated a collection of resources, including informative blog posts, case studies, and testimonials. Whether you’re looking for best practices, expert advice, or the latest innovations in electrical technology, our resources page is your go-to source for information you can trust.

Our Resources

Close up view of a person working on electrical box


We’re proud to have built a strong reputation for electrical excellence in our field. But don’t just take our word for it—see what our clients have to say.

Let’s Get Started on Your Next Project

Whether you’re planning a new project or looking to upgrade your existing systems, we offer personalized consultations to help you make informed decisions.

Case Studies

Protecting Your Hard-Earned Profits: State-of-the-Art CCTV From CTI Electric

Challenge: Royal Wholesale had been experiencing ongoing issues with theft and needed a solution to ensure their business was protected around the clock.

Solution: CTI Electric was approached to provide a comprehensive security solution. Our team conducted a thorough assessment of the building and property to identify the areas that were most vulnerable to theft. Based on our findings, we proposed a state-of-the-art CCTV system to serve as a powerful deterrent to potential thieves.

Result: Since the installation of the CCTV system, Royal Wholesale has experienced a significant reduction in theft incidents. They were highly satisfied with the results, stating, “[CTI] has provided us with peace of mind knowing that our business is protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” Thanks to our robust security solution, Royal Wholesale can now focus on their business operations with greater confidence and security.

Shocking Results: CTI‘s Rapid Response to Bonnell Aluminum’s Production Crisis

Challenge: Bonnell Aluminum had a large piece of equipment critical to production. However, it required a new design to accommodate their specific needs. To make matters worse, changing out the equipment would result in significant downtime and delays.

Solution: Our team of experts assisted the engineers in creating a full design that optimized the installation and functionality of the equipment. We worked closely with Bonnell to coordinate and schedule a critical path to reduce downtime, and we completed the project in record time.

Result: Bonnell Aluminum was extremely pleased with our sustainable installation and efficient process that helped maintain productivity and minimize disruption. Thanks to our partnership, they were able to continue producing high-quality products while avoiding costly delays.

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